If we lived life unafraid of death, what would change?

Dr Jorge Florin Health Central Hospital photo
I knew right away Dr Jorge Florin is passionate about life


If we lived life unafraid of death, what would change?

Why be nervous this morning as we head to Health Central and Dr Jorge Florin’s surgical team?

Guessing it’s something hard to articulate. And very unlikely to happen. The worse case scenario.

It happens. Rarely. But it does.

The fear that people – anywhere, at anytime – let their guard down and aren’t at their very best.

Otherwise, it should be an amazing experience.

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Guest Blogger Lorie Sheffer: Down and dirty

Freezer containers of homemade vegetables
Home grown or locally grown in Summer, and frozen for winter use


Getting down and dirty is good for the soul. By “down and dirty”, I mean digging in the dirt. A quick Internet search will turn up hundreds of articles on the therapeutic benefits of gardening. Be it flowers or be it edibles, the act of planting, nurturing and harvesting is not only good physical exercise, but also an excellent way to relieve stress.

I grew up with a garden large enough for a plow. Now there’s only space for a relatively small garden. Raised beds meant no digging up the yard, and no fear of accidentally cutting underground power lines. Large planters on the deck look beautiful when they hold herbs, and provide a constant fresh supply that can later be dried and used all through the winter months. What I was unable to grow, I purchased in season at my local farmer’s market. Buying local lets us know exactly where our food came from, it reduces the carbon footprint and it helps support our local farmers. Win, win, and win!

With autumn closing in, I have an amazing assortment of home canned jams and jellies. I’ve canned my own salsa and stewed tomatoes as well. The freezer is filled with green beans, corn, and applesauce. I’ve also used peels and ends, and even corncobs, to simmer into home made stock. The spice cupboard is filled with home dried herbs. Yes, it took some work, but the rewards far outweigh the effort. The taste is surprisingly superior, and in the cold gray months, will bring back a bit of summer.

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Maybe tomorrow I’ll have the courage, and diplomacy, to share this

blurry selfie picture
wasn’t fully awake when I read the email


Dear Boomers (and Dear Son), less than an hour ago, read a devastating email from a friend.

Her husband unexpectedly passed away yesterday.

The woman who’s Family attended our Son’s birthday parties for the past decade, and vice versa. Who’s age is near ours.

Mike’s funeral is tomorrow.

Completely blindsided would be the understatement of the decade.

The five blogs I write everyday revolve around the notion that aging is a privilege, not a guarantee.

We can embrace life, and death, as magnificent gifts from a loving Creator, and live our days with joy, passion, and deep, deep gratitude.

So grateful to have known Mike for more than a decade.

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Special note to self (and maybe the most important one ever)

Best Friends Pet Care lobby at Disney World Resort
Best Friends Pet Care lobby at Disney World Resort


Love to see enthusiasm - everywhere. Even where we wouldn't expect.
Walked past this four times before seeing it for the first time


Clever sign at Best Friends Pet Kennel
Love to see enthusiasm – everywhere. Even where we wouldn’t expect.


Special note to self (and maybe the most important one ever):

Rehearsal is over. No more practice.

Start living.

The only thing more contagious than enthusiasm is the lack of it.

Feed yourself first.

Be the fire!

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