Positive mindset

Hurricane Idalia in an Orlando weather map screen shot
Hurricane Idalia in an Orlando weather map screen shot. Wind woke me at 2:25am.

Regularly stretching your growth mindset boundaries strengthens your mental resilience.


Going into this morning’s second (day-13 post op) follow up eye exam, i already know Dr. Kumar will tell me one of the obvious things i’m acutely aware of.

“There is a decent amount of blood still in your eye.”

What i don’t know is what other insight he will share.

And then there’s the chance weather could close the office today.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Bishops Cap is beyond me

unique mountain ridge formation
From just the right angle, it’s easy to see how Bishops Cap got it’s name.

It’s only impossible until you do it the first time.


Going back to see Dr. Kumar tomorrow. Second followup exam since emergency Retina surgery nearly two weeks ago.

Patience is a virtue.

The human body is a miracle.

Still blind.

The gas bubble is almost gone though.

Here’s the challenge/opportunity…

If there was a guaranteed return to post surgery eyesight, patience has a designated purpose.

However, there isn’t a guarantee for any eye surgery (or any surgery).

The devil is tempting me to focus on the no guarantee part of the equation.

Perhaps it’s the anxiousness in still hoping to return to Glacier for a few weeks.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

What makes a favorite?

A favorite is anything that has no or few peers.


What makes a favorite?

Isn’t it obvious?


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Mental manifestation

Mental vibrancy is the manifestation of how you habitually react to blessings and tragedy.


Mental vibrancy is the manifestation of optimism, gratitude, joy, and surrender.

The longer i live, the more i learn.


Personal motivation.


The Universe gifted me with an insatiable desire to .think .differently

Broke free from dogma and tradition long ago.

A freedom that continuously grows bigger and bolder.

Instead of focusing on, “what if i’m wrong”, my narrative is, “what if i’m right”?

This is the manifestation of a growth mindset.

Most people fear death.

What if you not only don’t fear death, but you also plan for it?

Plan for it by living in the present moment and doing the things you dream about.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

And so it goes, mentally

Chief Mountain below the sun.

Plan on unexpected tests surprising and challenging you until you die. Plan on the same with blessings.


The gas bubble in my eyeball is half or just a little bit below half from the top. This is exactly what is supposed to happen.

However, the top half of my vision should be normal.

It is not.

It is blurry.

Cannot recognize my hand in front of me.

Why is this so?

Because there is blood in the eyeball.

There should not be but there is.

Now, we must wait for the body’s miraculous ability to remove the blood.

The best i can picture is a flesh wound that needs time to clear a scab.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.