Mid Life Money and Disney Training

Mid life money and Disney training? What the?

This is my third post this morning and I want to do a short recovery run from yesterday’s “Comeback 5k” race, before we head off for Palm Sunday Mass.

Here ya go, some Mid-Life wisdom, which even Walt Disney might have said, “Is money in the bank”!

The dog’s kennel is not the place to keep a sausage“. — Danish Proverb

Life is like this. But, the obvious becomes invisible. This quote? I think it’s the “tip of the iceberg” in our oblivion. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Score 0 In Golf To Win

The other day our son (8) said from the back seat while we were driving home from summer camp, “You score zero in golf to win”.

I said, “What?”

He asked to clarify, “Doesn’t the lowest score win?”

“Yes”, I said, wondering where he was going with this.

“Well”, he said, “Scoring zero would win”.

It reminded me that in a fantasy world, our son was correct.

And then I thought, maybe people think the game of life could work that way too.

But low score in life means only one thing. It means ______.

Fill in the blank. 🙂