Living to pad your resume or your eulogy?

MacBook 12-inch specs
Quite a resume.


Most of us begin logically with trying to get ahead at work. Make more money so we can raise our standard of living.

But now?

An interesting question assuming we have been at work for 20-40 years.

Living to pad our resume or our eulogy?

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What if you couldn’t recall the last time it happened?

iPhone calculator
Today is the 2,329th consecutive day of writing five different blogs.


Can you recall the last morning where you were dreading waking up?

What if you couldn’t?

i cannot recall the last time i wasn’t looking forward to the day ahead with childlike entreprenurial excitement.

There used to be a time (15 consecutive years, 1984 – 1999) when it took three separate alarm clocks (none with the real time, and all with extra time added to the actual time) to wake me up – after numerous, repetitive hitting of the snooze buttons.

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Was yesterday extraordinary?

The best parts of yesterday have nothing to do with the two really nice things summarized in these two photos from yesterday:


LinkedIn messaging
My note was two days ago, his reply was yesterday.


Thank you email
Yesterday, a thank you email.


Was yesterday extraordinary?

If yes, congratulations.

If not, how about the day before?

If no, what about the day before that?

If no, when was the last time you had two extraordinary days in a row?

This is why midlife celebration is so important. Our goal is to never again have a day that is less than extraordinary.

You may say i’m a dreamer…pretty sure i’m not the only one…

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If we’re lucky, a wakeup call will bring us to our knees

Teddy bear in starting blocks
Finland 2009.


Teddy Bear at Track meet starting line
This Teddy Bear has been traveling for a decade. Ski jumping is big in Finland.


The things my child needs to know, it’s my responsibility to teach it to him. But i get busy with a career and putting out life’s fires.

i was lucky, a wakeup call brought me to my knees.

Sounds cliche, but finally i started listening to my heart.

Disney (30 years worth) taught me the profound power in intentionality. About over managing things others under manage or ignore.

Life taught me the profound power of regret. And that regret breeds prolifically from excuses.

The marriage of those two – excuses and regret – produced my first book. It was written for a little boy (who turned 15 yesterday) in case something bad ever happened to his dad.

If i could give free copies to anyone wanting it, i would.

Not interested (anymore) in making money from this book. In fact, the proceeds are so small, it’s not worth the effort to compete for people’s precious attention.

But for reasons that readers share with me, i want as many people as possible to have a copy.

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