Survive or thrive. It doesn’t take genius.

Maybe this video will help someone today. And we all could use a helping hand. All of us.



Paradigm Shift: Why write a book for your child?

What if we thought of the book as a giant love letter?

Wishing you peace and blessings immeasurable to you and everyone you love.

And know that one of the best ways to heal ourselves is to help others heal.

Survive or thrive. It doesn’t take genius.

Next Blog

PS. Just had an aha moment – more like a reminder – all the writing (for those of you reading all five) has the same intent. Maybe these posts will help someone today.


As long as we are good with ours, no worries, right?

Small ice cream carton message
Simple, inspired choices – mind, body, spirit, money, hq


The infinite repetition of the sun rising and setting.

The endless changing of the seasons, from one to the next.

The relentless cycle of birth and death.

And then in the smallest fraction of time, five years…

Some freak posting five daily, differently-themed blog posts.

Reading five a day gets old quick for insanely busy people.

Now imagine being the freak investing the time to write them.

And so it goes.

Endless choices.

As long as we are good with ours, no worries, right?

Next Blog