Pills Or Stairs?

Palm Springs Hotel
Palm Springs Hotel

“A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs.”Karen Irizarry

Our attitude, our mental responsibility – what we watch, read, listen to, who we hang out with, our language.

Simple choice. Seek positive outcomes (against the odds) or dwell on things and people that bring us down.

Lane 8, the Next Blog, has the same approach, but for our body.

PS. Lorie Sheffer returns tomorrow.

Courage Is All We Have

He Put His Life On The Line For Our Freedom
He Put His Life On The Line For Our Freedom

“Courage is the human virtue that counts most — courage to act on limited knowledge and insufficient evidence. That’s all any of us have.” – Robert Frost

Limited knowledge and insufficient evidence. That’s where hope and faith take over to guide us. In midlife, we ought to be completely full of hope and faith. So much so, that we are firm enough in our convictions, that we’d put our life on the line for them.

What would you die for?

Next Blog


Two Choices: Change or Don't Change
Two Choices: Change or Don't Change

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

Look, I know you’re insanely busy, which is exactly why a very smart person will reread Lao Tzu’s thought several more times.

Avoiding purposeful, reflective thinking is like avoiding regular exercise and wise diet choices.

It’s An Attitude Thing

What's Your Reality?
What's Your Reality?

And at midlife, we should be amply equipped to have a great attitude. But there’s a very real, and constant danger to get sucked in. Sucked in to the negativity that weakness and insecurity foster.


But there is another (obvious) option, thanks to Buckminster Fuller (and our own intuition):

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Sharing that now makes me wonder if you’ve never thought of yourself as athletic (active), maybe you’ve just been fighting an existing reality.