Boomers, how is it that we can reach midlife and not comprehend the fact that every day is a gift. Not an entitlement, but a gift? How is that possible?
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Boomers, how is it that we can reach midlife and not comprehend the fact that every day is a gift. Not an entitlement, but a gift? How is that possible?
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The average life span in the 17th century was only a few decades – about the time current adults hit midlife, pilgrims would die.
And then there’s the whole Thanksgiving story of the celebratory feast America’s new inhabitants enjoyed. What were they celebrating? Mostly the fact that they survived. Interesting.
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Dear Son, this time last year (2010) jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, reached his 3,000th Mid Life Celebration blog post milestone. Remember? How scary was that?
When you look back at that very intentional, very brief, effort to only write six days a week instead of seven, it was because hitting the 3,000th post on October 20 versus Halloween made incredible sense. In life, there are times to be very deliberate. Happy Halloween.
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Dear Son, if you had not come into my life, no telling what path I’d be on.
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Dear Son, if you remember only bits and pieces, remember this bit: The long way is the short cut. Frustration, setback, doubt, pain, fear, humiliation, embarrassment – these are all natural predators along everyone’s journey. Be prepared for them. Then crush them.
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