Circa 2008. First business logo sketch. Originally, only four themes were created: mind, body, spirit, work. The colors; grey matter, brown as median skin color, red for blood, and green for USA dollars.
Recorded “If Disney Ran Your Life” from our side porch yesterday.
If writing is great for self -reflection, what will podcasting do for self-reflection?
For starters, the auditory consumption of a person’s thinking is different from, and compliments, visual consumption.
The difference is not only in the medium, but also in the ability to consume. You can listen while driving, walking, doing routine chores – the freedom from having to focus on a screen opens up interesting possibilities.
And then there’s the enhanced perception of voice tone, inflection, laughter, dialouge with another human (Podcast host).
Speaking and recording live on a podcast also eliminates the thoughtful and careful editing that writing inherently provides.
Exciting growth that is new, challenging, motivating, and fresh.
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