Taking the path less traveled (by Sandhill Cranes).
Quote others for as long as it serves you.
Be present, mindful, and motivated to recognize when it’s time to stop quoting others.
When you shift to being in charge of your life – CEO of You, Inc – you should only quote yourself. Why? Because you should be able to internalize life’s most important “quotes” in your own words.
When you change what you see, what you see changes.
Every quote you see signed ”dad” is me. This is me writing to our Son. Any quote from my Dad will be signed ”Jack Noel”.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
If he lives in our home after we’re gone, will the neighborhood be the same safe, respectful and well-maintained place he grew up in? That’s the vision, always has been.
Homeowner’s Association dilemma. A wakeup call about living in fear. Literally a 30-year experience. It’s fixed now. No more fear.
Mentally free at last.
Humbled by the painful discovery.
Inspired by the clarity to see it, own it, and defeat it.
Whether it’s a tyrannical, codependent community situation, or something deeply individual, you have the choice to decide between stimulus and response.
Wisdom comes from experience.
Experience comes from making mistakes.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
When you write everyday, without missing a single day, Magic happens.
Additionally, when you do this in an extra-ordinary way, for 13 consecutive years, something beyond Magic happens.
i cannot explain it to you because it’s extra-ordinary. It’s territory only i’ve reached (in this genre, blogging). But the hope is that you can discern an important and unique message that speaks to you – something in its own way, something crazy.
One thing to share now – and the reason for this post – is the daily opportunity to think on “public-paper”.
Not private thoughts, only swimming in my head.
Not private thoughts, only shared with a single confidant.
Not private thoughts printed, but filed away where no one will ever see.
But private thoughts that are publicly shared with the entire world.
Wrap your head around how crazy (out-of-place) that sounds.
Wrap your head around ways this radical concept (private yet globally public – that doesn’t even make sense, but in my head, it does) benefits the artist. Today’s other four posts explore this as it unpacks inside my brain in real time.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.