A non-Disney “Disney day”

Disney Speaker
McDonalds is open 24 hours a day.


Disney Speaker
Needed a wifi network that could handle a simple process – downloading photos to iCloud. Note the 4:46am at the top?


Disney Speaker
Starbucks was much closer (than McD’s) to Disney’s Grand Californian Resort.


Disney Speaker
The Disney Star Wars 10k began at 5:30am.


Disney Speaker
Arrived at Starbucks in the dark before 5am. Left at 7:15am (and daylight).


Writing five daily, differently-themed posts would be so much quicker and easier if it weren’t for my desire to add photos to help tell the story.

Photos are evidence that something happened the way it was written.

Without the photos, many writers default to, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

i literally despise that premise.

Being inside the storytelling (professional speaking) arena for 16+ years, i’m here to tell you it’s rampant. And i believe it’s criminal – the antithesis of building trust and offering hope.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Everywhere we look and even where we don’t look

Hundreds of photos in the past 48 hours. A few from yesterday. Some Disney images will be easy to see, some will not, like in the second photo, an iconic letter.


Disneyland Hotel Hallway


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center Hidden Mickeys


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Spend 30 years as a Disney insider and there isn’t much you don’t know about Disney. And your appreciation for what it takes to create Magic is literally unrivaled.

And yet.

And yet your appreciation for what it takes never dulls nor fades. Like the past few days at every turn. In fact, what’s remarkable is that your appreciation becomes greater because you have a new lens.

The lens of a profitable (for the very first time in seven years) entrepreneur.

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Wi-fi and the meaning of midlife

Disneyland landmark


Wi-fi and the meaning of midlife. Critics and advocates have their opinions about unlimited Internet accessibility, even while on vacation.

Here’s a thought, not everyone on vacation is on vacation.

Standing at the epicenter of the Disneyland resort (above), Mid Life Celebration is here working.

This is one of the glorious Internet benefits. You can literally work from anywhere, anytime.

Do what you love and you’ll never have to work another day in your life?

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Overwhelmed. Simply overwhelmed.

Disney's Grand Californian Resort inspirational message
Reflection is difficult for the distracted, medicated, and entertained Herd…


Overwhelmed, simply overwhelmed.

With joy.

Walking all over Disneyland, even though it’s been 43 years since visiting as a 12 year old.

Our midlife journey is joyful when we make counting our blessings a constant priority.

This takes a different (incredibly more positive) attitude than the one the Herd nurtures.

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