So what?

leaving a legacy
a sense of urgency…who’s he gonna talk to if something tragic happens to me?

Suppose someone’s a prolific blogger – writing thousands of blog posts. So what?

One could bet it keeps them sharp, razor sharp. And it probably keeps them balanced, as good as anyone in the world. It helps them to be clear, crystal clear, on what’s important in life. And most of all, it proves they have drive and determination (and most likely a servant’s heart).

PS. note to self… that was awkward, but kudos for doing it anyway.

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Top Three Surprises From Blogging 90 Days Ahead

As of January 30, 2012...

Here are the top three surprises from the past month’s blogging 90 days ahead experiment:

  1. Relished the radical departure from normal
  2. Any worry of other’s perceptions evaporated quickly
  3. The effort to write 5 blogs is no different same day or 90 ahead

Looking forward to getting back to “normal” tomorrow.

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One Great Thing About Crazy People

Six years later they founded the Disney Brothers Studios, and in 1955 opened Disneyland.

In Walt Disney’s early years, from 1923-1955, many thought Walt was crazy when in fact he was a dreamer and an innovator. Who sets out to become the only one on the Internet writing five daily – and different – blogs? Not me. Interesting though, there’s not a single person who says I’m onto something.

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PS. From Wikipedia’s Grateful Dead review: “Their music,” writes Lenny Kaye, “touches on ground that most other groups don’t even know exists.”

Everyone Says You’re Doing It Wrong

There's electricity in the air is such an understatement.

This blogging experiment I’m currently conducting (90-days ahead), plus all the mistakes I’ve made, and a few successes – it all has me very excited about blogging.

I don’t need to be excited to blog everyday. You get that right? (if you’re new here, I blog, a lot…)

So, to hear myself say I’m even more excited, well, that’s saying something! Hope you’re having (or just did or are about to) a similarly amazing burst of passion and commitment.

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PS. If you’re new here, it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, “Welcome!” 🙂