Disney leadership basics from a lifetime inside the Magic

Disney Leadership Expert Speaker


Where are we going, who’s going to help us get there, how do we keep them on track, and how do we ensure they’re motivated to reach the destination?

  • Vision
  • Involvement
  • Accountability
  • Commitment

The four world-class Leadership basics i deconstructed from a lifetime at Disney.




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Why life’s boring basics are key to any success

Feet x-ray
Two days ago…one foot in front of the other…


Why life’s boring basics are key to any success. Let’s call them out:

  • Consistency
  • Time

Effort, done consistently over a long period of time does what?

It produces results that are never achievable otherwise.

Inconsistency and impatience are status quo. The power of the pessimistic Herd hypnotizes us, poisons us, numbs us.

Dreaming big and making slow and steady progress has the same influential ability wind and water have on rock, over time.

The boring basics.

Invest heavily.

Put all your eggs in one basket.

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Department of redundancy department

positive attitude
Pools don't clean themselves and positivity doesn't just appear.

In almost 53 years, the best way that I’ve found (your milage may vary) to maintain a positive outlook is constantly remind myself to never get bored with the redundancy of doing the basics over and over and over and…

You were hoping for something more concrete or easier? Good luck with that.

Next Blog

Dear Son, Please Bank On Truth And Common Sense

Ponder truth and common sense against all other alternatives.

Dear Son, please bank on truth and common sense:

  • Never get bored with the basics
  • Life’s Big Choices
  • Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ
  • Use your first & middle names to guide you

Work tirelessly, your entire life, to make common sense, common practice.

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