Truth be told

Baby bird on driveway in Florida
First sighting two days ago


Close up of bay bird
Final sighting yesterday.


Florida landscape
Hawk flew into this tree. Chick was near the chairs.


Truth be told, life is brutal.

Life is also brilliantly joyful.

Running out for a quick errand yesterday, the baby bird was back. We saw him the night before and felt sad it was prematurely out of the nest.

Right or wrong i opted to let nature follow its due course, largely because i didn’t see a nest.

Snapped the photos above and turned to walk to the car. Three seconds later, screeching broke out. A hawk picked the baby up from the driveway and flew up into the closest tree and the hysteria ensued.

It lasted a few seconds and then the hawk flew off into the distance.

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What about those mothers?

Mickey and Minnie advent garde art
Motherhood can be art.


Big rush on Facebook yesterday for Mother’s Day.

Does anyone else get a surreal feeling while on Facebook? Facebook is really getting weird for me. It runs hot and cold. People tend to share their very best and their very worst, with a little plain vanilla.

  • What about the women who will never be Mothers?
  • What about the women who used to be Mothers, but no longer are?
  • What about the midlifer’s who grew up without a Mother?
  • What about those with Mothers they aren’t close to?

So, for everyone who was reminded that yesterday was Mother’s Day…

God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.
— Rudyard Kipling

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Fresh eyes see it right away

Four Florida Sand Hill Cranes in street
Fearless, ignorant, or trusting?


Fresh eyes see things differently. And they see the difference without even trying.


Because to them, it’s obvious.

Last night near bedtime, the 14 year old was getting a rare look at these blog posts. Right away he asked why the photo captions weren’t in the photos like they used to be.

He also said, “They look ugly the way you are doing it.”

Today’s posts are back to the old way.

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Are we pathological thinkers?

Love bloggers sign
What’s our first thought when we see a sign like this?


Are we pathological thinkers?

Do we have this notion that the well being of others is linked to our personal well being?

While we obviously can’t live someone else’s life, we can be keenly aware of our ability to see the future in a way most others could also see, if only they looked a little more closely, a little more often.

But they either don’t look, or if they do look, it’s a relative, and fleeting glimpse, nothing more.

What is our obligation?

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Moving on and finding less and less to be embarrassed about.

American Van Lines moving truck
Moving on and finding less and less to be embarrassed about.


Annual physical at Dr Joel Weinberger’s two mornings ago. Enter the hospital gown. Dr J left the room. Got naked as requested and before putting on the gown, it hit me. If someone walked in accidentally, who cares?

When you feel good, have seen pretty much everything, and are comfortable in your own skin, what is there to hide or be embarrassed about?

It was a moment. A bona fide, I-am-growing-tired-of-feeling-afraid-so-who-gives-a-rat’s-behind-if-anyone-sees anything.

Seriously, it would only be a matter of minutes before a latex-gloved, lubed up finger checked for prostate abnormalities.

It was a cool moment to reflect on right now.

Not the probe, the gown and nakedness epiphany.

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