Play more games, more often, with our son.
PS. I do a decent job already, probably more than what might be considered typical, in today’s busy world.
Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
All Mid Life Celebration posts from 2008 – 2014.
Play more games, more often, with our son.
PS. I do a decent job already, probably more than what might be considered typical, in today’s busy world.
What would it take for you to retire at 55? What would you need in place to allow this to happen? A website? A blog? A CPA? An attorney? A business plan? A board of directors? An internet storefront? A company name? A company structure? A business account? A logo? A tag line? A story? A brand identity? Some characters? Some stories? A starting point? How much ramp up time? What kind of mistakes and lessons would you need, to be successful? Well guess what? A year’s work has already been done. You ready for 2009? Merry Christmas!
1. Do you spend less than you earn?
2. What is your net worth (assets minus liabilities)?
3. Do you have a CPA and Attorney?
4. Do you have a will?
5. Is your image tied to your possessions?
6. How much do you donate to charity?
7. Do you have a passive income source(s)?
8. How are your investments and assets diversified?
9. What size is your rainy day fund?
10. What’s your retirement date, and plan afterwards?
What is our spirit, and is it different from our mind and our body? And, if it is different, how and why?
You can be a genius and have a poor attitude, or spirit. You can be a relatively uneducated person and have a great attitude, or spirit.
You can be an Olympic athlete and have a poor attitude, or spirit. You can have a crippled body and have a great attitude, or spirit.
Webster’s dictionary defines spirit in this way:
“2. the thinking, motivating, feeling part of man, often as distinguished from the body; mind; intelligence” 6. frame of mind; disposition; mood; temper” 7. vivacity, courage, vigor, enthusiasm, etc” 8. “enthusiasm and loyalty” 10. “a pervading animating principle, essential or characteristic quality, or prevailing tendency or attitude” 11. “a divine animating influence or inspiration”
I believe the spirit is seperate from the mind (brain). You can believe whatever you want. It all depends on your attitude and tendancies.
1. What is Love?
2. What is more important than Love?
3. What is Hate?
4. What is worse than Hate?
5. Does the mind or body influence Love?
6. If your dearest loved one was diagnosed with a severe medical condition, what would you do?
7. How do you count your blessings?
8. Whom do you thank for your blessings?
9. Do you pray?
10. What’s at the very center of your spiritual beliefs?