Mid Life Travel

Is He Pulling A Princess Bag?
Is He Pulling A Princess Bag?

Most humans love to travel. There’s something about travel that brings out the adventurer in all of us.

There are different types of travel:

  • Routine, day to day
  • Once in a lifetime
  • Business
  • Obligation (wedding, death)
  • Spontaneous
  • Award (prize)
  • Family tradition
  • Fantasy (day dreams)

We often dream of traveling more when we retire – when we have more time, more money for ourselves.

Today, I’m doing business travel.  Never thought life would lead me to a job that pays me to travel and give speeches to change the world.

Mid Life Crisis is reaching our lifelong destination and realizing, “This isn’t what I wanted!”

Mid Life Celebration is reaching your midlife crisis and figuring out creative ways to turn it into the best time of your life.

Mid Life Clues

“The interesting thing about greed is that although the underlying motive is to seek satisfaction, even after obtaining the object of one’s desire, one is still not satisfied, it becomes limitless or boundless and that leads to trouble. On the other hand, if one has a strong sense of contentment, it doesn’t matter whether one obtains the object or not; either way, one is still content.” — Dalai Lama

Carpe Diem Midlife!

Canada, April 26, 2010
Canada, April 26, 2010

Ever get to the end of your work day and feel like you gave so much you hardly have energy to be engaged later in the evening?

Was feeling like that yesterday after giving two great keynote speeches here at the Metro Toronto Convention Center.

But there were several tempting choices:

  1. Run along the harbor waterfront
  2. Visit the CN Tower (world’s tallest?)
  3. Attend the Blue Jays vs Red Sox Baseball game

So, knowing that these opportunities will most likely never come again, I’ll share photos of what happened, after I get to Charlotte, North Carolina.  Carpe diem!