What must it be like to have an irrepressible desire to encourage others

Orlando rainbow
Just running in to get a gallon of milk on the way home


What must it be like to have an irrepressible desire to encourage others to do what they think they cannot?

Noticing a rainbow simply by chance is one thing. Pausing for a brief moment to photograph it to share with the world is another.

It is probably something like that.

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Summer 2013 – best Summer ever?

Disney's Dolphin Resort
This simply looks like a fun place to be!


Summer 2013 – best Summer ever?

We rarely think about grading our seasons, in this case Summer.


A question that intrigues only a few.

Leaving in an hour to visit my favorite place on planet Earth.

Hoping the next week’s posts reveal insights for all of us – insights on living like we mean it – living intentionally.

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