The harsh reality of death and a busy world

Morning clouds off Sanibel Island


(photo: Sunrise on the morning after Cooper’s departure)

The harsh reality of death and a busy world.

Bad things happen in two major catatogies:

  1. Expected
  2. Unexpected

We expect very old people to die.

We do not expect very young people to die.

While death is difficult, it is especially difficult when it’s unexpected.

We all know this.

The best defense, and perhaps the only defense, is to live like you mean it.

To not waste a single day.

Not one.

We know this.

But do we actually do it?

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How can we reach midlife and not know why we are on this planet?

SoundHound searching


(photo: yesterday at Allen’s Ice Cream and Coffee in Windermere, FL… having breakfast and using SoundHound to identify a song)

We are all searching. Even those denying it.

To admit we are still searching is not inherently bad.

Why then do some deny the midlife searching?

Great question, and the answer is revealing.

Searching isn’t bad if you know what you’re looking for.

The embarrassment and guilt that could cause denial is from not knowing what to search for.

How can we reach midlife and not know why we are on this planet?

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Every single day brings the opportunity for the freshness of perspective

Stunned by the news. Al was only 53, with a wife and three child under 15.


Freshness of perspective?

What would it feel like to have three overwhelming events happen on the same day?:

  • neighbor says her 22-year old daughter thought Mid Life Celebration (your book) was ‘fantastic’!
  • email sharing that 53-year old father of your child’s classmates just passed away
  • a colleague bestows generosity and kindness beyond amazing

All unexpected.

All powerful.

All emotional.

All reminding us of life’s beauty and life’s harsh reality.

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What if they are full of it and what if they are not?

Quote about acceptance
This is a two-way street so lead with compassion and forgiveness (photo: @overlyxclusive)


The interesting thing about getting honest feedback is that we should always consider the source.

What if they are full of it? What if they are not?

This makes it tough because often the source itself is reliable, but the source’s exposure and comprehension may be influenced only by second-hand or pre-filtered information.

As a parent or a boss, we often get little exposure to what is actually happening in the day to day. So we rely on others to give us feedback.

The inherent challenge with this perception of reality is our optimism, values, filter, problems, goals, health, and so on, is not based on eye-witness observations.

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