The difference between these two makes all the difference

Target slogan
False advertising? More like: Expect more, pay more. The long way is the short cut.


We can go our whole life never drawing a real line, only an imaginary one that moves at our whims and desires.

Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace. – Oscar Wilde

We either build our attitude on rock or we build it on sand.

We know this.

But do we act on it?

It’s the difference between merely surviving and totally thriving.

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We know this, and we are the only ones who can decide

Amazon Page Rank Mid Life Celebration
All of a sudden Marketing and hustling become omnipotent (working to break through 100k)


Know what today is?

It’s yesterday’s tomorrow.

Remember yesterday when we said tomorrow?

It’s lonely doing what should be done, when it should be done, whether we feel like it or not.

We know this, and we are the only ones who can decide.

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Still on the fence about reading Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit?

If someone asked us if yesterday was amazing for us, what would we say?

West Chester University buiding
Higher education building where higher education takes place


If someone asked us if yesterday was amazing for us, what would we say?


Got your answer?

And what if we were asked every single day?

Late yesterday, in the second most affluent Pennsylvania County (assume high expectations), the client said he received nothing but rave reviews.

You could see it coming, because my partner was brilliant. Great people and high expectations bring out our best, and vice versa.

Yet that literally pales in comparison to the best part of the day – seeing some folks who had no idea a special visit was looming.

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