Is there a secret society of fearless Baby Boomers?

Time magazine's Secret Societies book
Is there a secret society of absolutely fearless people?


What is freedom?

A long-time friend (30 years) facilitated an answer from me in a brief conversation at the gym last night.

We can not have fear and be free

Freedom is the absence of fear.

Fear is worrying about losing an attachment to things.

Fear is worry. Attachment.

Freedom is not being attached to things.

Freedom is living in the moment – Zen like.

It was a brilliant bfo (blinding flash of the obvious) that will simmer a while longer.

Fear prompted this epic writing journey (8.5k posts so far), and letting go of fear prompted this post revelation.

Perhaps our freedom isn’t as far away as first thought.

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How poor are we?

Close up of yellow Lab facial expression
He who owns nothing has it all.


Fellow midlife travelers, how poor are we? Not in monetary terms but in mind, body, spirit, professionally and with our dwelling.

What are we ashamed of?

Is it down hill from here? Can we do anything to alter our course?

How strong do we feel each morning?

How long has it been since we felt inspired?

Typical questions that are cherished guests in our mind’s thoughts.

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Mid Life Campaign March



Time marches on. No stopping it. No denying it. Midlife arrives unannounced, even though we know it’s coming.

That bears repeating – we didn’t know it was coming?

Same with a lot of life’s challenges and opportunities.

And yet, we seem surprised at their arrival.

Wake the heck up, Boomers (myself included).

Oh wait, that wake up call metaphor is already taken.

Missed opportunities will continue for how long?

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