Why are most dreams doomed to obscurity?

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Why are most dreams doomed to obscurity?

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2015.

The non-violent suffering that the civil rights movement endured is beyond comprehension.

What type of attitude is required to tell yourself it’ll all be worth it?

What type of attitude is required to convince others it’ll be worth it – first the followers, and then the world.

Who has a dream?

Hopefully it’s still you.

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Does the world need an artist to end terrorism?


What kind of attitude do we need to have to get our proverbial sh!t together?

Good morning January 8, 2015.

Yesterday’s news of the terrorist attack killing 12 innocent people in Paris felt a different kind of sad.

A “what’s it gonna take for the world to get their $hit together against terrorism?”

Watching American Idol’s 2015 season premier last night, it’s easy to see what’s needed.

A very unique and different approach to the same old song.

An artist.

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What’s the biggest regret you feel comfortable sharing?

School parking lot chalk board
Regret waiting so long to start a Family. (Married 31 years with a 14-year old – do the math)


What’s the biggest regret you feel comfortable sharing? And if you are comfortable, please feel free to share why.

If there was a chance for a do-over, and knowing what you know now, what might have changed the outcome?

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