The two hesitations in trusting your gut?

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at the end of the day, we need to do something, right?

We are taught to trust our gut, our instincts. And we usually do. But why don’t we do it all the time? I can tell you when I don’t it’s because of two things:

  1. The stakes are really high
  2. I place too much thought on what others will think

The antidote? Do the basics: Dig deep, breath deep, remind yourself of the good intentions, trust your gut and go.

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PS. There’s a catch…. we must decide which is more important: the battle or the war.  It matters not, to win the battle and lose the war.

Ten Years Ago Today, jeff noel Began A Monumental, Life Changing Resolution

He has no clue there was ever an issue. None.

jeff noel didn’t stop drinking on New Year’s Day like most people who start monumental promises to change their lives. After all, you can’t stop on December 31, New Year’s Eve, why that’s the world’s biggest party night ever! Agreed?

What takes guts is to have your last drinking day be December 30, and go through New Year’s Eve without a drink. Hell yeah that’s what I did. A decade ago.

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There’s A Time And A Place For Monumental, Life Changing New Year’s Resolutions

Please look closely at those two words...and then do it.

You’ve heard jeff noel talk about The Herd and The Movement. And you know he tells it like it is, candidly, openly, antagonistically honestly. There’s a time and a place for monumental, life changing goals. If you can not do the easy resolutions, you have no chance of succeeding at the big ones. So don’t overdo it this week. Stay small. Stay positive. Stay focused. And believe with all your heart that you deserve to win your small resolution.

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jeff noel Offers 4 Creative Tips For New Year’s Resolutions That Will Not Fail

Bonus tip: Don't set any resolutions around losing or gaining weight, it's too hard this time of year.

Baby Boomer, jeff noel, shares 4 helpful tips for making our New Year’s resolutions stick:

  1. Think small (an “easier” resolution is not cheating).
  2. Not every goal has to be monumental.
  3. Don’t tell anyone what you’re going to do (keep it your secret).
  4. Get back up when you fall down – no one will know you’ve fallen.

Nothing fuels success like success. Make your goal ridiculously simple. One year I decided to set all the clocks we owned (13, including microwave and cars) to the same time. As an added level of difficulty (over-achiever), I made it the real time.

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Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel Challenges All Baby Boomers To Think Differently In 2012

Each of us Baby Boomers could probably fill that sleigh with all our failed resolutions

Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel loves the end of the year and all the creative thinking that goes into prioritizing resolutions for the coming New Year. Baby Boomers, I’m not letting past failures (too many to count) defeat my will to try again. No, really. Let’s do it this year. Differently. Better.

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