
Quote about farmers
Most of Allentown was once utilized by Farmers.


Packing light is a metaphor for traveling through life. A heavy load is harder to carry.

In a few hours we’ll be in Allentown.  Four days to visit and witness Cheryl’s second cousin, Joshua, receive his Eagle Scout award.

Packing light.

Expecting the visit to be glorious.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

Faith is more elusive than hope

Had hoped for the final Sanibel sunset to be spectacular last night.

Stormy weather is common during Florida Summer afternoons. Sometimes this extends into the evening. Last night was one of those nights. But just to be sure, i walked down to the beach to double check. The first photo convinced me there would be no decent sunset. The second proved me wrong.


Sanibel sunset
Last night at 7:30pm.


Sanibel sunset
Last night at 8:20pm.


Faith and hope are pretty cool.

Hope is easier to have.

Faith is the tough one.

We can control our hope, but faith is tested by the things we can’t control.

Glorious news…

Finally received notification yesterday that our first choice (of three) for High School is confirmed.

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The midlife peace that’s possible is actually quite staggering

closeup photo of reading glasses
Things have become so much clearer in the past 15 years


The midlife peace that’s possible is actually quite staggering. Literally embarrassed to talk about it. But writing helps.

If you regularly write, you know this.

If you’ve overcome addiction, you know this.

If you honor your body and take care of it well, you know this.

If you’ve become more concerned with your work as art versus status, you know this.

If you’ve come to gripes with your mortality in an inspiring way, enabling you to live each day with conscious purpose, you know this.

If you know that it truly is in the giving that we receive, you know this.

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Day six in Hilo, Hawaii and maybe this will happen

Aloha sigh


Day six in Hilo, Hawaii and maybe this will happen… maybe I’ll adjust to the new routine:

1. No Internet signal in room
2. Six hour time difference
3. Allure of Hawai’i, reality of long work days
4. So much to do, so little time
5. Writing last thing of the day versus first thing

Will I get to write from hotel lobby at 4:15am ?… and maybe a run as the sun rises at 5:53am?…

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Categorized as Faith Tagged

Will our passion win out or will we quit

Teddy Bear tucked in bed
Remember when we thought we could change the world?


Will our passion to remain positive in a challenging world win out or will we quit?

Only time will tell.

I know my answer, but what is really intriguing while writing this, what is everyone else’s?

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