Potential 2014 Middle School Yearbook dedication

youth riding bike in central Florida neighborhood
Keep moving forward.


Dear Son, a tree does not grow overnight.

But it does grow.


And some years it grows faster than other years. This has been one of those years for you.

For the past decade we’ve been focused on honesty above any other attribute.

In 2014, we built on that for a total of four key life attributes:

  1. Honesty.
  2. Behave admirably.
  3. Self-control.
  4. Personal responsibility.

You have done well academically, and maybe more importantly, personally.

Be well and remain amazed.

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Is it time to make a fuss over our existence?

Inspiring storefront window sign
Deceptively simple, ridiculously elusive


Our birthdays remind us that it’s time to make a fuss over our existence.

We come to know the true meaning of our birth when we learn to celebrate it every day.

Happy birthday Chapin.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

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Fear is a bloody liar

Freedom Tower from Delta jet
Crazy how close jets fly to this building after what happened 9/11


Fear is a bloody liar.

Dear son, last night’s dinner conversation in Halifax, Nova Scotia revealed that your father’s fear is most likely microscopic at this point in his life.

When we do the things we are afraid to do, it releases us from any obligation to feel bad or afraid.

In fact it’s quite the opposite.

Authenticity is the new currency in your dad’s life. Has been since January 1, 2009.

Insight: Fear is nothing. Authenticity is strength. And peace.

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Dear Son, there’s more to life, but if these four aren’t done, nothing else matters

Florida wildflower
Nature and life and humans – and choices


(this post applies to all of us, not just the 13 year old)

Dear Son, life is hard.

Here’s a recap of the top four things, in order, for you:

  1. Honesty
  2. Behave admirably
  3. Self control
  4. Personal responsibility

There’s more to life, but if these four aren’t done, nothing else matters.

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Impossible is nothing to the person with these three free tools

United Kingdom at Epcot
Last night (March 26) while enjoying Fish & Chips


Dear Son,

There’s an interesting phenomenon occurring at the advent of an incredible or impossible milestone.

Impossible is nothing to the person with:

  • a purpose
  • a dream
  • determination

Impossible is nothing means little to most of us.

Yet now Son, you know someone who’s been there and done that.

And he’s six days away from April Fool’s day.

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