RIP common sense

Orlando Eye
Last night from the restaurant, in the distance, the Orlando Eye. Common sense tells us to look to the horizon (future). Almost imperceptible.


Orlando Eye
Common sense tells us to focus, take a closer look, and be thankful.


Culture is the most powerful tool we have to change behavior.

Personally and professionally.

Let’s focus on personally right now.

All our life we are selfishly robbing from common sense, which insidiously erodes our standards.

Common sense can’t reason with excuses, distractions, or fear.

Because of this inability to reason, excuses, distractions, and fear easily outsmart common sense.

In our efforts to find shortcuts to save time and or money, and to avoid pain or embarrassment, we take creative (and what appears to be innocent) shortcuts.

What we accept by default becomes our standard.

RIP common sense.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


What’s it going to be today?

No consistency, no success. Edgy, but can anyone say it’s false and have others believe it? From LinkedIn. i don’t know who Grant Carone is, nor does knowing change anything for me.


What’s it going to be today?

What was it yesterday?

Who’s in charge of your answers?

Who needs to fix anything, say attitude, that needs fixing?

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


Not until the desire for risk is greater than safety

Bruce Lee quote
Yesterday from LinkedIn. Risk and reward are inextricably linked.


There’s no heavier burden than a great potential. – Linus, from Charlie Brown

It makes sense that we should greatly influence our individual self before we can believe we are qualified to influence others, no?

Desire and purpose are the twin siblings of positive change.

We can only accomplish something great when our desire for taking the risk is greater than our desire for playing it safe.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


Why i love mental gardening

baby spider in a pan
Yesterday i was making dinner and discovered a baby spider trapped in the pot i needed.


baby spider in a pan
At first i thought it was a piece of dirt because (i assumed) it was balled up in fear. But when it spread it’s legs and began moving, i realized the tiny speck was alive. i released the spider outside.


What seeds would i want to plant today that won’t benefit me or anyone else until years down the road?

What seeds did i plant yesterday?

Do i truly believe that tiny actions will reap a harvest sometime in the future?

Or am i too impatient to wait, so i don’t plant?

And then in the future, there’s nothing, or little, to harvest.

Guess what happens to my attitude (or yours) when this happens.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


Our biggest opportunity is here…

Texting message
Yesterday on the way to Lowes. Texting. Habits.


You know how we have a daily routine?

Many of the things we do are positive habits.

Showering, brushing our teeth, getting dressed, showing up for work on time.

Our biggest opportunity is here…

Admitting our poor habits.

Which is painful, so we pretend we don’t have them. Why? Because many of them bring us pleasure, save us time, and entertain or distract us from stress and pressure.

Poor habits are part of our daily routine.

They diminish and poison our good habits.

And we let this happen.

Let that resonate for a moment.

For a lifetime.

What would happen to us if we didn’t?

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.