Following our midlife instincts?

Geese flying in a v


(photo: Looking up while running in Allentown, Pennsylvania, January 2015.)

Geese somehow know this is the most efficient way to fly. How? Instinct.

A simple, powerful question we should constantly ask ourselves:

Am I following my instincts?

The insidious midlife trap is that we default to intentions for the future, not action right here, right now.

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Merry Christmas 2014 from Mid Life Celebration

Orlando Motivational Speakers


(photo: Courtesy of yesterday’s Facebook feed.)

Merry Christmas 2014.

Hope your December – and however you spent it – brought you unspeakable joy and delight.

Something entirely different this year is necessary.


Inspired by an attitude of positive, good and decent living.

Our clock is ticking.

Do the crazy stuff that inspires the heck out of you.

At some point in life, habitually putting this off is criminal.

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Is this the type of attitude that means everything?

Lecturer's shoe while on a tour


(photo: Constantly remind ourselves not to judge because we are not in their shoes)

Most of us will not be consciously aware of the transformational change that a wakeup call potentially brings.

If we ever thought about preparing to die… getting all our affairs in order so we can do and say the things we feel are most important… any form of ulterior motive is mute.

None of those motives matter, because death is around the corner.

Who cares about material things, or titles, etc?

No one who is counting their days.

If we could live like that without a sense of eminent death, how glorious would that be?

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The harsh reality of death and a busy world

Morning clouds off Sanibel Island


(photo: Sunrise on the morning after Cooper’s departure)

The harsh reality of death and a busy world.

Bad things happen in two major catatogies:

  1. Expected
  2. Unexpected

We expect very old people to die.

We do not expect very young people to die.

While death is difficult, it is especially difficult when it’s unexpected.

We all know this.

The best defense, and perhaps the only defense, is to live like you mean it.

To not waste a single day.

Not one.

We know this.

But do we actually do it?

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