What resonated with you yesterday?

crazy attitude
some things just don't seem to make sense, you know, they seem crazy

Flying home yesterday from Knoxville, I was struck by something I read from Copyblogger. This notion that we may need to decide if we’re willing to be called crazy. What type of attitude is required to actually imagine being called crazy, and what type of attitude is required to move forward anyway?

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Truly, nothing is impossible

apple apps
Truly, impossible is nothing

Apple’s App store passed 25 billion downloads three months ago. And the number continues to grow beyond comprehension. What does this mean to you and me?

We get to watch a real-time example of something extraordinarily impossible five years ago, let alone 20 years ago. This inspires me to slay excuses. How does it inspire you, or does it?

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Love note for a travelin’ man

love notes
seemingly insignificant note

On the way to Orlando airport yesterday, I took 20 minutes at Gold’s Gym to squeeze in a much needed strength workout. Returning to the car to continue on, I noticed the above note on the windshield. While driving to the dentist, unbeknownst to me, my wife and son snuck the note while I was inside. Is this what they mean by “life is good”?


What’s a favorite memory of summer?

sanibel island
summers on Sanibel Island


Summer arrives early in central Florida. And summer passes quickly, the older we get. Most of us have amazingly fond memories of some carefree times during the few warm months school was out. For me it had to be spending time at Lincoln Way pool on Sunday’s after church.

A few neighbor families would pile into a couple cars and in five minutes, we’d be carrying our snacks and towels to our picnic table in the shade. Playing, swimming, friends, sun, and not a care in the world, save the long line at the high dive.

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