Can a once a year tradition and daily traditions transform us?

Food For Families Thanksgiving Day deliveries


(photo: Boxes of food waiting to be delivered to needy families on Thanksgiving morning 2014 – two days ago)

Do you have end of the year holiday traditions?


For how long?

How’d they start?

Why do you keep them alive?

Ever do something for so long you start to take it for granted?

Maybe, right?

What about daily traditions? Is there such a thing?

What about attitude traditions?

Say, making a tradition of subsituting challenge or opportunity in place of problem?

Can a once a year tradition and daily traditions transform us?

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PS. One more day of ‘first month retirement’.

Midlife wakeup calls

Midlife wakeup calls


(photo: Days ago, at a red light… wondering if it’s a false alarm, knowing it may not be.)

The beautiful thing about being mindful and intentional with balanced life choices is that it prepares us for the inevitable.

Being prepared is much better than being unprepared.

The inevitable IS going to happen.

Find solace in getting your affairs in order.

And enjoy the freedom to truly live like you mean it.

No regrets.

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PS. Two more days left in the first month of retirement. 🙂

Clues and ideas are everywhere

Orals based Motivational Speakers


(photo: Bank Wealth Management brochure in customer waiting area yesterday.)

Waiting to discuss money matters. While waiting there was time to flip though a bank brochure. The image above prompted the idea that mind, body, spirit, work, home create a continuous outer circle in life.

The second inside circle represents us. The very middle circle is our purpose.

Every moment of everyday we interact with, and filter, life’s (five) big choices. How we do this will direct, or not direct, our energy towards our purpose.

Bullseye, eh?

PS. Only three more days before the first month of retirement is over.

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Odds are high we like being stuck in our rut

Disney's best Keynote speakers in Orlando


(photo: Celebrate the fact that you are ready to change, no matter the catalyst.)

The comfort zone is a nice comfy place.

We like our rut. It’s so predictable And all our friends are miserable too. Birds of a feather flock together.

When we have had enough (which may never happen), we need someone to encourage us.

Watch and listen to what happens when you ask big-boy questions to leaders who should have ready answers, but don’t.

Now do it with yourself – ask yourself the big-girl questions you should have a ready answer to, but don’t.

We are all leaders.

You are the CEO of You, Inc.

Everything is your fault.

PS. This is exactly the kind of dialogue used in a self-imposed shut-up-or-put challenge that changed everything and led to, among several game-changing risks:

  • Starting an LLC
  • Writing five daily, differently-themed blogs in 2009
  • Planning for six years to take early retirement
  • Overcoming addiction
  • Overcoming disability
  • Etc, etc

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