Show Me The Money


Some simple numbers to show the possibilities when giving up isn’t an option, and neither is dreaming small dreams.

  1. 30,000+:  Number of Monthly Visits
  2. Five:  Number of Daily blogs written
  3. 200:  jeffnoelmidlife You Tubes uploaded, in past 8 months
  4. Hundreds of thousands of Monthly Page Views
  5. First:  Google Page display for all five blogs
  6. Last:  Where I want to be (humble, least, meek)

Raising enough money to find a cure for an incurable disease.

Impossible is nothing.

Thank you for your visits.  There are enormous plans for Mid Life Celebration. This is just the beginning. Together, we can and will help shape the world in a way that teaches young children personal responsibility, beginning in elementary schools.

Midlife Crisis Welcome

Midlife Is Like An Ocean
Midlife Is Like An Ocean

Midlife Crisis is a household name.

There are two Mid Life Celebration Guest bloggers who are not.

Up first, this Sunday, is Erika Liodice, from Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania.

Erika found Mid Life Celebration and invited me to be a Guest Blogger at her blog, Beyond The Gray.

Lorie Sheffer is also from Pennsylvania, and from my hometown of Spring Grove.  Small World After All.

You’ll find their Midlife perspectives similar, but different.

Carpe diem!

Six Steps To Make Resolutions Stick

Impossible Is Nothing
Impossible Is Nothing

Click here to read the six steps from an Everyday Health article.

Or, simply read my list that says the same thing, just differently:

  1. Make your goal impossible
  2. Start small, I mean seriously small
  3. Plan on it taking the rest of your life
  4. Do it for someone else, someone really (significantly) important
  5. Plan for set backs and mis-steps
  6. Have fun and reward yourself occasionally
  7. (Bonus step) Search, and find, your indomitable will along way

Ready, set, go!

MidLife Clear Conscience?

Relax and Enjoy?
Relax and Enjoy?

“What can be added to the happiness of a person who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscious?” — unknown

If ever there was a logical goal in life, perhaps this one should be near the top.




Is The Sky On Fire?

Mid Life Dreams.  We all have them. We all like them.  We all want them to come true.

This is probably where we take a wrong turn. Somewhere. Somehow. It happens.

But we are completely unaware.  For a long time. A really long time. Maybe a couple decades.

We somehow miss the turn, get lost, and then end up at the proverbial midlife crisis.

It’s a ton of work to overcome decades of status quo.

It’s a ton of work to start a business. It’s a ton of work to get healthy and stay healthy. It’s a ton of work to save enough for retirement. It’s a ton of work to have a peaceful and contented spirit.

Everything is a ton of work.

It’s very similar to the early pioneers. This is the follow up video to the one from a few weeks ago. It was the burning sunset that prompted me to stop.

Unscripted and one-take, the way You Tube videos are traditionally done.