
Bury Me In Green (kidding)
Bury Me In Green (kidding)

Are you afraid to die?


Or maybe, why not?

It’s a funny thing that people who are afraid of death could think the people who think about it are fatalistic.

Intriguing thought.  One that never crossed my radar screen.

Unil two days ago.

Here’s the deal.   We should be talking about death and planning for it the same way we talk about:

  • getting an education
  • interviewing for a job
  • paying off a mortgage
  • finding a life mate
  • planning vacations

You see, the reality is, those things are just like death, they are things humans (with mortgages) go through.

Death is simply another thing on the list, except for one tiny little challenge.

It scares people more than anything (except public speaking).

And I can’t figure out why.

Could be that I’m completely off base on this.

Could be that I’m hitting the bulls eye.

So, let’s review:

  • We’re born
  • We die

Why not face the obvious with the same thoughtfulness any professional person approaches life’s other routine events.

Oh, and you did get the memo right?  The only thing you can really plan on is the one about death.  All the  others could go either way (successfully or unsuccessfully).

Death is the only one we will all successfully accomplish.

By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.