Returning Visitors, this post will remain the first thing you see, for a week or so. You can still trust that I’m posting here every single day. Just scroll down for today’s post. Thanks.
Top Right Link Will Always Lead You
It is now amazingly easy to click through all five daily blogs, without having to think or remember which order or how many you’ve already visited.
Simply click the top link under Blogroll, on the upper right-hand column. It automatically advances you.
Ever heard these phrases?:
Never get bored with the basics
It’s common sense, but not common practice
The road to excellence has no finish line
On a friend’s suggestion, I’ve simplified navigation between the five daily blogs.
It’s basic, it’s common sense, and just one more simple improvement.
It reminds me of mid life.
PS. Please scroll past this to read today’s post. Thanks.
There’s a hidden, subtle message in this Mid Life blog post. Most likely, you will struggle to understand it. It’s crazy that I even ask you to try, isn’t it?
Life is crazy.
Work is crazy.
The economy is crazy.
Health Care is crazy.
People are crazy.
And I’m one of them, and so are you.
Jimmy Buffett, who’s released over 40 CD’s in his lifetime and has a cult following of “Parrotheads“, once said:
“If we weren’t all crazy, we’d all go insane.”
Writing five daily blogs is crazy.
Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary.
It began as a simple 100-day challenge.
The rest, as they say, is history.
PS. I have all 40 of Jimmy Buffett’s Cd’s and consider myself an original Parrothead. (I know, who cares?)
Do you celebrate meaningful milestones in your life? Or, do they come and go like the seasons – here and gone before you know it.
In two days, I’m celebrating one year of writing five daily blogs.
The learning curve has been amazing. Sometimes steep and challenging. Sometimes flat and easy.
At jeff, I wrote a Mid Life Celebration summary. Wanted to share it here, one last time, before it’s removed:
“Mid Life Celebration is where I challenge myself to: Rethink. Reprioritize. Recommit.
There are four key areas to my life, every life actually, and I share thoughts, tips and on a good day, a decent dose of motivation.
I’m challenging myself, because I’m crystal clear on the fact that none of us is going to live forever.
I am very thankful for the wake up calls in my life. I no longer ignore the clock. I embrace it and am inspired by it. What about you? What have you got to lose, seriously?”