Dear Boomers, when we aren’t living each day like we mean it, we’re doing this

profound career advice scratched on a notepad
Career advice from a President in charge of 60k+, with 40+ years experience


Dear Boomers, when we aren’t living each day like we mean it, we’re doing this:

Waiting to die

It’s a harsh reality.

Think of it this way if you need a second opinion:

She who’s not busy being born, is busy dying.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

You’ll feel better. About everything. Not all at once.

But slowly and steadily.


Today, or tomorrow.

PS. And trust your gut (see photo).

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Our permission to be passionate can be for anything we know to be important

Dr Jorge Florin Health Central Hospital photo
I knew right away Dr Jorge Florin is passionate about life


How important is our wellbeing? And who’s in charge of getting it to blossom?

Our permission to be passionate is for anything we know to be important to our wellbeing:

  • mental health
  • physical health
  • spiritual health
  • career health
  • home health

Our personal regrets are courtesy of twin demons: fear and conformity.

Let’s review. Permission needs to come from within. No where else.


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Please don’t wait for this a second longer

Time flies
15 years later we are on our 3rd Lab and Katie is a college freshman – tick tock


Please don’t wait for this a second longer – permission to be passionate.

If we’re waiting, why? Waiting for what?

Why are most of us still waiting.

If not today, when?

Won’t the day we give ourselves unadulterated permission be the turning point we’ve wanted all along?

Can we green light this within 72 hours?

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Note: I’m always writing to myself. And yes, I’m hell bent on green lighting something important (but haven’t in the past because of fear).

Good answers are a leading cause of work life imbalance

Leadership development flip chart notes
These are answers – the questions the audience had never asked before


Good answers to questions are toxic. Why?

Because odds are our questions are poor. Yes, in the big picture, probably poor.

We think, we move, we feel, we work, we dwell – life’s five big choices.

Mind – Body – Spirit – Work – Home

The interconnectedness is undeniable.

Spending our energy equally – tending to all five – is balance.

Neglect just one, and it doesn’t matter which, the other four suffer harmful decline.

The few who ask and answer “Why?” are the people you see thriving – the ones who probably don’t look or act their age.

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It’s okay and not okay, okay?

creative Google logo
The answers are easy to find, it’s the questions that trip us up


It’s okay to not know the answer.

It’s not okay to not know the question.

Wisdom is discovering life’s most important questions.

Joy is finding the courage to pursue the answers.

Not many of us fully appreciate this.

And it’s a leading cause of work life imbalance.

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