Aim For Perfection, Settle For Excellence

Walt Disney said, “Aim for perfection. Settle for excellence”. Gotta admit, even excellence seems elusive some days. But I keep taking pictures, knowing that some may be blurry – which could be exactly what makes them excellent.

It would seem though, that what Walt really meant was to make excellence a habit. Because if it isn’t, well, it isn’t. A habit is what we think and do, without thinking.

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All jeff noel Can Tell You Is That Finding A Million Ways To Stay Strong Is Like Hitting The Lottery

Dear Son, I almost caved while we were on Sanibel Island. The thought of you turning 11 today and the promise I made to be the best Dad I could were the keys to not falling.

Earlier this summer when I asked you if you could ever see your Dad drinking a beer, and you said, “You? No way!”

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But Wait, Maybe jeff noel Got It Backwards Yesterday

Was really struggling the past few days. The pressures of a month-long vacation (yes, there can be) and the allure of the warm, tropical Gulf of Mexico water. The hot, sugar-white sand of Sanibel Island. Jimmy Buffett music. Hard-to-let-go-of memories of a perpetual Margaritaville lifestyle.

Maybe our problems are smaller than they seem. Our opportunities, greater.

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