
Fear nothing but wasting the present moment. – Mark Sanborn

Dad, why did you and Mommy wait so long to become parents?

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Yesterday’s answer: Sure, birds will get some seeds. Plant anyway. You must.

Nobody Sees

May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers
May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers

Nobody sees a flower, really – it is so small – we haven’t time, and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. — Georgia O’Keefe

It’s challenging to slow down during the holidays. Who’s got time?

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We Should Have Seen It Coming

We Saw This One Coming Though, Didn't We?
We Saw This One Coming Though, Didn't We?

Time marches on. No stopping it. No denying it. Midlife arrives unannounced, even though we know it’s coming.

Same with a lot of life’s challenges and opportunities.

And yet, we seem surprised at their arrival.

Take politics and the outright ugly, negative campaign attacks. It’s the worst we’ve ever seen. In hind sight, we should have seen it coming.

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