Tell us what you really want

Apple Watch Mickey Mouse face
Yesterday, September 8…productivity is not our only daily goal.


Does anyone really know what they want out of life?

For the sake of keeping this thought alive (because few people know), let’s pretend the answer is, “yes”.

With this affirmative assumption, then we must ask, how does one go about fulfilling the achievement of what we really want?

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The biggest difference between them and us

Florida entrepreneur
Yesterday morning, working from home.


The biggest difference between those focused on thriving and those focused on surviving is the gap in their beliefs.

The gap between rising everyday believing you owe the world your best or rising everyday and believing it would be safer (better) to hold back.

We can’t fail if we don’t try.

To even think for a minute that there’s an ounce of validity in that last statement is, well, insidiously influential.

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Dear readers, will our constant struggle go away?

Bandage over blood draw needle insertion.
Annual blood work yesterday at Quest Diagnostics.


Focus, discipline, intentionality and purpose are essential in overcoming the daily onslaught of expected and unexpected to-do’s.

The constant struggle to keep up is better, if you really think about it, than the daily struggle to medicate, distract, and entertain ourselves away from the pain of being buried.

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