Happy Birthday To Everyone, But Especially To Me, jeff noel

Just a kid at heart. You can relate.

The big 52. 🙂

Odds of someone brand new to Mid Life Celebration today with this silly photo as their first impression are slim. The rest of you, well, um, hope this ‘selfish’ post & photo made you smile.

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However, There’s A Catch To All Of This

Want to know why jeff noel really writes 5 daily blogs?

Initially, and very simply, to leave a trail for our young son in case something bad ever happened to me. And life, as jeff noel sees it, has five big choices.

The evolving answer is that when I retire from a corporate career, I’ll be speaking and writing to raise money to find a cure for an incurable disease.

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Did You Know jeff noel’s Birthday Is In 3 Days?

Yep, June 8th…this place looks good for a party, eh?

Sometimes Marriott or Westin. Sometimes a B & B. Here’s the Victorian Inn in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, two blocks from Acadia University. So what, right?

On the way to helping make the world a better place, jeff noel aims to provide you with 5 daily gifts. Gifts to help you think, smile, or be grateful.

And I don’t allow a busy schedule or writer’s block to get in the way.

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Your Effort Is Relative To How Clearly You Can See The Future

Boston Pizza in Nova Scotia. Interesting…

Was not able to take Jack The Bear this trip because of the extra equipment needed. But look what is staring at jeff noel in the adjacent booth.

As the multi-generational Family left, I asked Dad the Bear’s name. Rufus. His daughter is four. Same age our son was when he got Jack the (world-traveling) Bear.

Our son (10) may travel for a living some day. He may have a child he physically leaves behind, but never emotionally.

How do you other travelers out there stay emotionally connected?

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What It Takes To Be #1, According To Vince Lombardi

This advice is easily adapted to real life in real time…

If you want to die with peace and contentment, you’ve got to follow Vince Lombardi’s advice. Lombardi was a legendary Green Bay Packers coach.

You can pay it now with effort, or you can pay it later with fear.

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