A year from now we will have wished for this one thing

Runner on old Florida dirt road
We can get pretty far if we do a little each day, and never stop.


A year from now, we’ll wish we had begun this week.

Maybe we expect to fail. Which is a crock.

Is that it? So we stop trying?

For $16.72 on Amazon, you can buy a book unlike any you’ve ever read.

And you can trust it because it’s from an uncommonly grateful Father to his young Son.

It’s not a ‘how-to’ book, it’s a ‘why‘ book.

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What is the upside to thinking the worst case?

School winter break sign
When is our final Winter break going to come and will it be memorable?


What is the upside to thinking the worst case?

Is there one?

Could it allow us to experience something so fully that we can’t believe we haven’t lived like this sooner?

Do we sort of, unconsciously, think conditions will be better down the road, and then we can really live it up?

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The two obvious obituaries we could write for ourselves

jeff noel's book Mid Life Celebration
Life by design or life by default… intentional or unintentional (very first Mid Life Celebration book)


Want to share this challenge with you. If we could write two obituaries, it would be these two:

  1. What it would read like if we made no changes in our life’s approach?
  2. What it would read like we actually did a bunch of the stuff we promised ourselves we would do?

And then after reading our two self-penned obituaries, which one makes us smile, feeling peaceful and contented?

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Leonard Bernstein and jeff noel are all up in there

Orlando palm trees
All up in there… palm trees, gentle breeze and a beautiful sunrise, and wisdom


To accomplish great things, you need a plan and not quite enough time. – Leonard Bernstein

The tragedy of life is not death, it’s being afraid to be ourselves. – jeff noel

The tragedy of life is not fear, it’s in learning to be comfortable with conformity. – jeff noel

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