Good answers are a leading cause of work life imbalance

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These are answers – the questions the audience had never asked before


Good answers to questions are toxic. Why?

Because odds are our questions are poor. Yes, in the big picture, probably poor.

We think, we move, we feel, we work, we dwell – life’s five big choices.

Mind – Body – Spirit – Work – Home

The interconnectedness is undeniable.

Spending our energy equally – tending to all five – is balance.

Neglect just one, and it doesn’t matter which, the other four suffer harmful decline.

The few who ask and answer “Why?” are the people you see thriving – the ones who probably don’t look or act their age.

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It’s okay and not okay, okay?

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The answers are easy to find, it’s the questions that trip us up


It’s okay to not know the answer.

It’s not okay to not know the question.

Wisdom is discovering life’s most important questions.

Joy is finding the courage to pursue the answers.

Not many of us fully appreciate this.

And it’s a leading cause of work life imbalance.

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