Crystalized intelligence – all bluffs will be called

All bluffs would be called.


The years after we retire, usually at age 65, are called the golden years.

For a reason.

Aging comes with benefits.

Most importantly, we’re good at using what we’ve learned.

Call this crystallized intelligence.


It’s like compound interest, for wisdom.


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Daily distractions and “Squirrel” are synonymous

Disney speaker jeff
Yesterday walking home from gym.  Distractions are everywhere. Reasoning (excuses?) is easy. Can you say, “Squirrel!”?

Yesterday and this morning:

Did you hit the snooze button?

Did you get at least an hour of outside sunlight?

Sleep late?


Floss last night?

Driven by digital notifications?

Wakeup without a plan?

Dwell on problems?

How much quiet time did you get?

Dinner at least three hours before sleep?

Good breakfast?

Sugar intake?

Help someone who will never know you helped?

Can you imagine saying the appropriate yes, or no, to these? Every day?

i think you should.

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Disney Keynote Speakers have transformational knowledge to share

Westin Riverfront, Avon CO
Westin Riverfront, Avon CO. Yesterday after lunch.
Westin Riverfront, Avon CO
Big picture. The Westin is at 7,400 feet.
Westin Riverfront, Avon CO
Not here to ski, nor hike.
snow on pine needles
October 15, yesterday, it was 14 degrees at sunrise.
Westin Riverfront, Avon CO
Brief walk around the Westin was all a busy speaker’s schedule allowed.
Westin Riverfront, Avon CO
From the lobby.

The two most magnificent days in our life is the day we are born and the day we figure out why.

Disney Keynote Speakers have transformational knowledge to share.

Knowledge is to skill as fat is to muscle.  – Robert Kelley

Fat does not increase strength.

Muscle does.

Knowledge does not transform things or people.

Action does.

To stand out in a sea of ?motivational speakers”, i have spent my life transforming Disney knowledge into a rare Disney speaker’s skill set:

A 19-point cultural blueprint i’ve created and apply to the way i run my life and business.

And from this, i am asked to share brilliantly simplistic and profoundly powerful context-neutral business insights for world-class excellence and organizational vibrancy.

To be the first Disney Keynote Speaker choice when business leaders want a transformational catalyst to spark the change their business wants to share with the world.

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The Ocean Cleanup

Disney characters
The other day before Saturday brunch. Yes, there is a theme/segue coming…


Disney Cruise Lines characters
Saturday mornings are deserted at most college dining halls..



Note, the video is from 2012 when Boyan was 18.

Not only preaching, but acting.

The Ocean cleanup.

Led by a young man in his mid-20’s.

Kinda makes me ask, “What’s holding me back from doing something to make our world a better place?”


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Don’t let anyone tell you life isn’t fair

Many Glacier at sunrise
Many Glacier at sunrise. Our Red Bus Jammer gave us this photo she took one glorious morning.

Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.  – conventional wisdom


To which i say, “Life IS fair. It’s unfair to everyone.”

The sooner you stop thinking others are luckier, smarter, richer, or wiser, the sooner you can get on with the hard work at hand.

The work you are meant to do.

The hardest part of your work is finding the work you love to do – the work that brings meaning and purpose to your life.

And just because others go their whole lives never committing doesn’t mean you have to settle.


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