The inspiration for taking action is the harsh reality of secondary worries. Colon cancer.
Why did jeff noel found Mid Life Celebration six years ago?
Because action cures fear.
For more than six years jeff has been working towards the ability to raise (a ton of) money to donate to the good people looking for a cure for something currently incurable.
The President of the Foundation in New York has agreed to meet to hear the crazy idea.
Internal scripts and conversations we have with ourselves can influence our beliefs into something that isn’t true.
A great friend, Dennis, says things only become sayings or cliches if they are true.
You cannot be a prophet in your hometown.
It is not the world that frightens him. It’s his friends.
Like most, he has held back on his dreams his entire life because of the negative scripts, even though he could easily be mistaken for being bold and inspired.
It’s killing him because he struggles to overcome what should be easy to overcome:
Don’t be afraid to be yourself. And this assumes you know who you are. But if you’re not sure, keep searching. And if you are sure, please don’t doubt yourself.
The feeling we are looking for is sustainable, not temporary.
Life is not about pleasure, it’s about paying attention. Weirdly enough, paying attention is what brings sustainable pleasure.
Do something great. Mend an important relationship before it’s too late, help raise money to find a cure for something incurable, or, do something in between.
It doesn’t matter what you do. Not sure what to do? For starters, pay attention.
And don’t blame the Universe for making you rich with peace and contentment.
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