And By Not Being Afraid To Die, I Don’t Mean Being A Martyr Or Hero

Not being afraid to die. I believe you can organize your life in such a way, even if tomorrow was your last day, you’d still be good. No regrets.

Dear Son, I often wonder if my thoughts are radical. Most don’t want to wait until it’s too late to say or do things, but you’d never know by watching them.

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Randy Pausch Said Something In The Last Lecture That Can Really Help Keep Us Going

Randy Pausch wrote The Last Lecture to help his three very young children know, when they got old enough to wonder, what he valued in life. He had to write it before he died. He didn’t know when he would die, only that it would be soon.

Last July, two years after reading Randy’s book, I shot a short video with a challenge for you. Now, three years after Randy’s unfortunate death, his message is even more important.

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Only Those Willing To Try The Impossible, Will Actually Know How Close They Are

Cedar Rapids, Iowa airport last month.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot

If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough. – jeff noel

Scroll down to keep reading this blog, or, click Next Blog to move over to Lane 8. It’s a completely different blog about our body – the temple which houses everything that keeps us alive.