The two simple sources from which all habits are formed

Two cars in Disney special parking
One of these cars is jeff noel’s: the Jaguar or the almost antique 1990 Camry?


We acknowledge that habit development happens over time. And those habits are formed from two sources.

Desire or a lack of desire.

What this means to each of us is up to us.

The fact the some of us will stop and ponder this and find meaning or that some of us will not give this a second thought are both habits.

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Insight: Some habits are embedded as children. Taking pictures of everyday life has been a habit of mine since my very first plastic camera that came free with a the purchase of a full tank of gas circa 1968.

Never owned a Jaguar, nor plan to.


The weirdness of thinking differently than the general masses is habit forming

First page of james A Michner's autobiography
First two paragraphs are so weird


james A Michner's autobiography
Ordinary and extraordinary


The weirdness of thinking differently than the general masses is habit forming.

How can we tell?

Well, for starters, if we feel tinges of guilt, embarrassment, repercussion, teasing, or potential banishment, we are weird.


Anything we do everyday is a habit.

Mental floss?


Now for a little exercise here?


Can our habits cause us to be cranky?

messages subliminal
I love subliminal messages

If food can scientifically help reduce our crankiness, what role do our daily habits play? If we do these daily, would it help or hurt our crankiness?:

  • read, study, associate with, and practice positive thinking
  • exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, get adequate rest
  • pray for and serve others before self
  • becoming increasingly more effective and efficient at our job
  • get and stay decently organized

What say ye?

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PS. the photo’s subliminal message is you should strive to be a good one (B1) at whatever you do and I’ve learned to do this on my team of 29 years.