Fail your way to this place?

Keith Richards Rolling Stone cover
Lead guitarist for The Rolling Stones. From Saturday’s library tour, this magazine cover caught my eye. Why? Is Keith still a drug addict?

Fail your way to this place?


No, don’t fail your way to failure.



Fail your way to success.

Taking risks is risky, so is playing it safe.

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Classic one door closes, another opens…

Kane Brown
Stumbled upon this Country artist. He sang covers on You Tube and got discovered.


Sometimes the things that don’t work out couldn’t work out any better.  – Kane Brown

Sometimes the finish line is just the start of something new.   – Kane Brown

Ps. Click the bold hyperlink above to sample the song.


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Who’s stopping you?

fallen trees on a trail
Yesterday. The shortcut to the grocery store. These obstacles were easy to overcome.


Arnold Schwarzenegger speech
The long way is the short cut.


Arnold Schwarzenegger speech
Stumbled upon this video last night while on LinkedIn.


Arnold Schwarzenegger speech
The scary question is, “How hard is hard enough?”


Who’s stopping you?

More precisely, “Who’s stopping you from becoming what you want to become?”


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7 Reasons why failure and excellence don’t like each other

Disney Keynote Speakers
Imagine Disney being Disney without a fanatical approach to excellence.


Reasons why failure and excellence don’t like each other:

  1. Excellence is a habit
  2. It’s challenging to do the right thing (habits) all the time
  3. You have to do the right thing all the time
  4. Excellence can’t be sustained without 100% commitment
  5. 100% commitment is challenging in a stressful, busy world
  6. Excellence shuns excuses
  7. Humans like excuses because the person making one believes it’s legit

Remember, very good and excellent aren’t the same things, just as good and very good aren’t the same things.

And the difference between good and excellent is staggering.

My mindset determines my goal, how well i strive for the goal, and how determined i am to always have the highest goals.

Note: One of my high goals is to be a minimalist. High goals are not about status and wealth (although for some they are).

High goals are about living (and dying) with peace and contentment.

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