Imagine Disney being Disney without a fanatical approach to excellence.
Reasons why failure and excellence don’t like each other:
- Excellence is a habit
- It’s challenging to do the right thing (habits) all the time
- You have to do the right thing all the time
- Excellence can’t be sustained without 100% commitment
- 100% commitment is challenging in a stressful, busy world
- Excellence shuns excuses
- Humans like excuses because the person making one believes it’s legit
Remember, very good and excellent aren’t the same things, just as good and very good aren’t the same things.
And the difference between good and excellent is staggering.
My mindset determines my goal, how well i strive for the goal, and how determined i am to always have the highest goals.
Note: One of my high goals is to be a minimalist. High goals are not about status and wealth (although for some they are).
High goals are about living (and dying) with peace and contentment.
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