Walt Disney had a dream

Disneyland construction photo
First photo taken yesterday in the Fairfield Inn lobby…heading out for a run.


Just like Martin Luther King, Jr had a dream, so did Walt Disney.

America celebrates today by closing government businesses and schools so we may have a conscious reminder to what MLK’s dream meant, and continues to mean, to every American.

And in our busy lives, many of us will recall only one thing today, that we enjoy having a paid holiday.

How do i know? Just a hunch, because that’s how i treated it for much of my working life.

The transformation came when i began teaching others about the power of a compelling vision. That was more than 15 years ago.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Dear Son, i want to spend time with you before you leave

quote about struggle
From someone’s Facebook update yesterday. Quote from Ralston Bowles.


When you dream, where do you draw the line on what you want to accomplish, personally or professionally?

In 2008, i dreamt that i could take a huge risk and leave a top 10 most admired company in the world to go out on my own and make an even bigger impact on the world.

Dear Son, all i want you to remember is that being intentional, focusing on balance, doing work (art) you love, doing work that benefits others, being ready when serendipity crosses your path, and being constantly grateful – this is the best recipe for peace and contentment.

For six years i didn’t quit my day job so that i could build a schedule that focused on you and Mom.

And now, with the eighth year (as an entrepreneur) one month away, i can see light at the end of the tunnel.

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Why are most dreams doomed to obscurity?

Un-famous blog screenshot.
Use a backup website to write and store things: www.jeffnoel60.com


Why are most dreams doomed to obscurity?

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2015.

The non-violent suffering that the civil rights movement endured is beyond comprehension.

What type of attitude is required to tell yourself it’ll all be worth it?

What type of attitude is required to convince others it’ll be worth it – first the followers, and then the world.

Who has a dream?

Hopefully it’s still you.

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Are we suffering from midlife dream depression?

Orlando Speakers Bureau


(photo: A dream.. name up in lights?)

Are we suffering from midlife dream depression?

Before you even think about clicking, know it’s a really long text.

The Doctrine of the Strenuous Life by Teddy Roosevelt.

Here’s jeff noel’s short and pithy summary:

Reach higher, care more, think deeper, and worker harder than those who have given up on their dreams.

Everybody good?

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Dare squared?

wall mural in Iowa City
Out on a jog, or was it a dream?


Wall mural
Dream or jog? Jog or dream? Grapes of wrath? The boy who cried wolf?


Having a dream and replaced Seth with jeff…the following review was written in 2007 for Seth Godin’s book, ‘The Dip’.

The one possible weakness of this otherwise terrific little volume is that it is aimed solely at people who are creative, intelligent and want to succeed. Those who are mediocre, unmotivated or just coasting through life will probably not get much from jeff. He is not an elitist, but his message is squarely aimed at those who want to succeed or at least achieve excellence.

Dare to dream.

Dare even greater… to do.

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