Life is hard. No one is immune.
After five mornings without Cooper, still unable to tell if it’s denial or strength.
Leaving Sanibel Island in a couple hours to return home.
Stopping by the Emergency Vet place to pick up his ashes.
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Life is hard. No one is immune.
After five mornings without Cooper, still unable to tell if it’s denial or strength.
Leaving Sanibel Island in a couple hours to return home.
Stopping by the Emergency Vet place to pick up his ashes.
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Life is a terminal condition. We are all going to die.
And only one person knows your answer to the upcoming question…
Five plus years ago in the Mid Life Celebration brainstorming process and visioning process, a few sound bites struck like lightning.
Live, before you die.
Life is not a dress rehearsal.
Live like you mean it.
So yeah, we are all going to die.
But are we all going to live before it’s over?
Only one person knows your answer.
And only one person is in charge of this answer.
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I think most of us live in fear – a fear we’ve become expert in denying. And because we are so good denying it, we live our days on auto-pilot.
To those of you who read my posts regularly, you, unknowingly probably, are part of a small percentage of our population that isn’t satisfied with following the herd – the traditional, majority led conformity thinking.
Good for you.
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