I, jeff noel, do solemnly swear

jeff noel's first book
re-read the book October 27, 2012, after a year of dormancy

Procrastinated Waited over a year to call the copy editor. We met yesterday. She read the manuscript. We talked and I shared a vision of the future that is big. Really big. Scary big.

Hours later, I re-read the book for the first time in over a year, and for the first time on paper…


Coincidently, her email arrived as I got up off the floor. She said, “I left our meeting with a kind of energy I haven’t felt in a while”.

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The art of thankfulness for Baby Boomers

July 2012, across the street from Ground Zero, I snapped this photo… remember how your priorities got shaken after 9/11? Which way will you move forward?

Ground Zero

The art of thankfulness for Baby Boomers according to jeff noel is just three things, “ReThink, RePrioritize, and then ReCommit!

There are no secrets, you already know what you should do. Use your wisdom to focus on the really important things – the things you currently only wish for, and do nothing about.

Insight: No one will do this for you.

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Two huge reasons why should we do everything differently

Two innocent photos taken while up on the roof the other day…

doing things differently

Doing things differently usually doesn’t require much…but the difference is striking…

doing things differently

Two huge reasons why we should do everything differently:

  1. Nothing new is discovered doing it the normal way
  2. How do you teach a child wisdom, without experiencing both sides?

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