We deserve our struggles, but we get to pick one thing

Old oak tree destroyed for progress
Tree on the left and it’s hundreds of neighbors? Gone in a matter of days.


Old oak tree destroyed for progress
So many good years with this tree, a privilege to share the earth together


Our perspective determines our reality. A blinding flash of the obvious.

Yet rarely embraced. And we wonder why we struggle.

The only constant in life is change.

We have the opportunity to see change as good or bad.

Our perspective doesn’t change the fact that change is unstoppable.

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This is the best thing that can ever happen to us.

five dollar gambling chips
Would we pay it all back if it would give us wake up call immunity?


The dreaded wake up call.







A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.
– Edgar Watson Howe

Long before seeing this quote, penned the following:

Not only is the wake up call painful, but so is the reflection immediately afterwards. This is the best thing that can ever happen to us.

It’s on page 32 in this book.

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Our fear is a blood relative to our attitude

heartburn medicine aisle
prevention and relief are also blood relatives

Our fear is a blood relative to our attitude.

Fear is attachment to things, outcomes, and people – the fear of losing the attachment.

Attitude is attachment to thoughts – the law of attraction.

While the two seem so incredibly different and separate, they are actually blood relatives.

The more positive our attitude, the less fear we have.

The less fear we have, the more positive our attitude.

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