Midlife repetition is the mother of all excellence or not

Sunrise looking west (instead of East)


(photo: Unusually early thunderstorm clouds at 7am… cut the run short to only one mile)

We’ve heard the first two over and over, but the third one?

If not you, who?
If not now, when?
If not at all, why?

Midlife repetition is the mother of all excellence.

Or maybe not.

Every dang day?

If we desire excellence, you know, thriving, then yes.

Neglect and excuses are the other (unintentional) option.

Daily habits either way?


Never forget that.

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Three things being overwhelmed can teach us

Barnes and Noble Bookshelves of Management books
No shortage of advice on managing things


Three things being overwhelmed can teach us:

  1. expect the unexpected (at any moment, and especially when we can least afford it)
  2. keep things simple so when they get complicated, they are less complicated
  3. maybe the best we can hope for is to be barely on the other (good) side of insanity

Building a strong foundation by midlife probably didn’t happen for most of us. Building now is totally within our realm now because we know we need it and no one else will do it for us.

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I think most of us live in fear that we have gotten expert in denying

jeff noel sitting between two life-sized human wood carvings
Dreamers, especially the youngest one


I think most of us live in fear – a fear we’ve become expert in denying. And because we are so good denying it, we live our days on auto-pilot.

To those of you who read my posts regularly, you, unknowingly probably, are part of a small percentage of our population that isn’t satisfied with following the herd – the traditional, majority led conformity thinking.

Good for you.

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