It’s okay and not okay, okay?

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The answers are easy to find, it’s the questions that trip us up


It’s okay to not know the answer.

It’s not okay to not know the question.

Wisdom is discovering life’s most important questions.

Joy is finding the courage to pursue the answers.

Not many of us fully appreciate this.

And it’s a leading cause of work life imbalance.

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Rethink, unthink, dethink

WordPress Orlando Meetup May 2013
Big question: How and where to leave a physical legacy


Rethink, unthink, dethink. That’s where jeff noel is headed.


A simple process created years ago to help challenge, well, everything.

Starting with the mission critical first step • rethinking.

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Before we know it, our greatest gift coupon has expired

Internet purchase order
My gift coupon had expired, so I paid full price


Before we know it, our greatest gift coupon has expired.

Life is so complicated, the hustle and bustle of each day challenges can make us lose focus about what is truly important, or what is only a momentary setback or crisis and not a lifetime error.

We begin each day forgetting the most basic assumption of life – we will die.

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