Are midlife thrivers anomalies?

LinkedIn accolade for Baby Boomer jeff noel
Baby Boomer anomalies are delightful


Are midlife thrivers anomalies? How do we know if we’re thriving?

What measures, what metrics?

How do we improve those measure/metrics if we have the desire to? Where do we start?

Last night calling home from the Iowa Marriott, my wife called me an anomaly.

Perhaps that is a great metric.

Work hard for that. Listen for it.

And never rest on your laurels.

Today’s quick thought about our physical health is a click away, here.


The paradox of a simple question that is hidden from most humans

meaning of life
we have bus loads of questions in life, there are only a handful of answers that matter


Life is full of questions. Some easy, some difficult. Some complex, some simple.

I have found the simplest questions are also the most challenging to answer… until they’re not.

If we relentlessly dog the question, it will eventually tire, and we will catch it and discover an astonishingly simple answer.

And our lives will never again be the same.

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What is a thriver and we?

thriving as we age is up to us, not genetics, not wealth

The thriver makes no distinction between her work and her play, her office and her home, her mind and her body, her focus and her distraction, her love and her religion. Everything blurs together. She pursues excellence at whatever she does, making others wonder whether she is working or playing. Unconsciously, she’s always doing both.

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A perfect example of being mindful in the moment

Same place, different time of day…

Artsian pools

A perfect example of being mindful in the moment. Last night two 11-year old boys in the pool kept badgering, “Come on, one more game”.

The Magic Kingdom fireworks had just finished, so it was past 10pm and well past “my bedtime”. And I was tired from a long day.

The midlife truth struck. There will come a day when I’ll long for this type of request.

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Note: Fireworks visible 365 days a year from house. Yes, got back in.